Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to read BlackBerry MEP without Cable!

First step is to access to the “Help Me” menu, to do so, on the main screen of the phone hold the following keys : ALT CAPS H (at the same time)

Note: For Pearl and other Sure-type phone
s press and hold the ALT key (Bottom left) and type E A C E, for Storm, hold the BACK arrow, and tap the screen in the following areas: TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT, TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT.
You should be presented with a screen like the one shown below:

Type the PIN, App Version and Uptime in the form below:
Press “Get my Key” and our Calculator will generate a code:

Now simply type the KEY directly on to that screen. Nothing will appear when typing. For numbers hold the ALT key when typing. Now you should be in the engineers menu - if you are not please try again ensuring the data you entered is EXACTLY as displayed. If you close the screen ensure you change the Uptime on the form. Navigate to ‘OS Engineering Screens‘ as shown below:

Now scroll down to ‘Device Info’ and then scroll down until you see MEP-XXXXX-XXX’ as shown below:

Now send your MEP Code to me together with your IMEI (serial number)

i will calculate your unlock code!

after i give you your unlock code,

follow this unlocking procedure:

Unlock instructions:
1. Insert SIM card
2. Go to "Settings" -> "Options" (or Go to "Options" ->" Device" for 9800, 9780 and other OS 6.0)
3. Select "Advanced options" or "Advanced system settings" -> "SIM Card"
4. Type "mepd" (or "meppd" for 8100, 8110, 8120) using your Blackberry keyboard
5. Type "mep" (or "mepd" for 8100, 8110, 8120) then [ALT BUTTON] and the lock level ( 2 or 4)
NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing on step 3 and 4.
6. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
7. Enter the Unlock Code and press in the enter/track ball/track pad to confirm
8. Device is now unlocked.
NOTE: Make sure you follow these or the instructions correctly.
If you enter the unlock code incorrectly ten times, the device will permanently lock to the carrier to which it is branded.